New Blog!!!!

Ello lovies! It has been a bit, I know. Moving in with the lover has really disrupted my time line for blogging and Etsy. But don’t give up on me just yet. I am in the process of creating a new blog which I think much more accuratley represents LP and myself. Please follow the new blog for fun new posts and lots of new room renovations I’ve been doing. Look forward to seeing you on LuckyPorcupine Co.!

Ps. it is slightly under construction and I am desperately trying to get my “sidebar” moved from the bottom of the page to the right side of the page where I believe a “sidebar” should be. So if you have any insight on that I could certainly use your help.

Pps. FOLLOW THE NEW BLOG, LUCKYPORCUPINE CO. OR ELSE!! (; Just kidding there is no “or else”. Just me sitting in a dark corner sobbing.

xoxo- Kate

H&M Home Collection

Well I was rather excited to find that H&M would be starting a home collection line. Finally checked it out today and I am in LOVE with the vintage/rustic style of all the pieces. On top of it, the prices are insanely CHEAP. I mean I expected low prices but these are exceptional. A great new resource for some inexpensive accessories! These are my favorite pieces but you can check the whole schbang out here.

H&M Home

glass jar

candles 2-pack

H&M Living Room


cushion cover

Etsy Finds: Gearing up for Fall

yay!!! I finally had some time to do an Etsy Finds for you lovelies. Please let life settle down so I can get back to growing LuckyPorcupine! (fingers crossed).

Wool Blanket Throw Classic Plaid in Cinnabar & Brown Velvet Binding

Milo Baughman Dining Table for Directional

set of three nemadji pottery vases

stuck in my head: John Lennon, Mind Games

goodness. I just love John…

Onto to the next one…

Well kids kitchen… Almost done. Will post pics soon once I am satisfied with its completeness.

Now onto the next one.. The darkest, angriest bedroom ever. (Honey, I love you but this is awful) How this kid has slept in this room for years and didn’t go crazy is beyond me.

So without further adieu here is the before… (You’re welcome again for the great pics, but as you can see lighting… Not so much)




New Rug is Here!

Yay! The new kitchen rug came last night! And I must say… it!!!!

Ps. Yes I know these pictures suck. We are all going to have to deal until I get some light in this place.


Yes… I moved again.

Well kids I’m moving… Again? Yes, again. For the millionth time this year. I think I unknowingly became a gypsy. Well gypsy I plan to be no more. Just a quick rap up of the past few months events…

Moved out of old house

Couch surfed for a couple months waiting for new apartment to be ready

Moved into new apartment

Stayed in new apartment for two months, never put anything away…

During this whole process- found my companion and guess what?

Yep- we decided to take the plunge and move in together.

So here we go again, a huge revamp awaits me… Turning the (almost literal) man cave into a cozy home for two.

The kitchen so far… Yes the countertop and sink still needs installed. I just love doing dishes in the bathroom sink! (;



After-ish… (With much work still to do)


Ps. I’m sorry for neglecting you lovies for so long. Please forgive me.

stuck in my head: Blurred Lines

I’m sorry but I just can’t help myself. I am sitting at my desk at work jammin’. People are going to start thinking I’m bonkers but this song is so fun, I just don’t care!

Treasury Time: It’s Monday, I’m in Love.

Check out the treasury!

Happy Monday loverlies!

Friday Favorites:Solar System

Original as seen on Cnet Planets solar system space ball style hard candy lollipop - 10 pc.

The Solar System - hand pulled large screen print 18x24

JUPITER - Solar System Post Earrings