stuck in my head: Blurred Lines

I’m sorry but I just can’t help myself. I am sitting at my desk at work jammin’. People are going to start thinking I’m bonkers but this song is so fun, I just don’t care!

stuck in my head: Atmosphere

stuck in my head: Richie Valens

stuck in my head: The Rolling Stones

CAN NOT get this shizz out of my head today. hmmm…

stuck in my head: la vie en rose

stuck in my head: Blood, Sugar, Sex, Magik

stuck in my head: BRMC

Holy crap I have been busy! Sorry I haven’t had a chance to post in a hot minute. I’ll be set free after April. yay! Then it’s down to some hard core Etsy business. Cha ching!

Enjoy some BRMC today, hope you all had a lovely weekend!

Margot and the Nuclear So & So’s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tonight is the Margot concert! Finally! These are going to be stuck in my head all day!

stuck in my head: Pure Prairie League

stuck in my head: Hall and Oates. Ya, I said Hall and Oates

I know eeeeeveryone knows this little ditty. It’s stuck on repeat in my head today. Not sure why because this is the song that pops in my head when I think I meet a cool new guy, who usually turns out to be un-cool. But either way, non of the sorts happening here. Guess I’ll just chalk it up to being awesome.